Q is for quality - in technology assessment and innovation analysis
teQnode SARL © Paris, France
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Prospecting Innovations

Strategic Technology intelligence provides high quality analysis on the current situation. But how may a new field develop and evolve? How will R&D change? How are industrial sectors to change? What are the anticipated issues and challenges raised by technology developers, industry, public agencies and society more broadly?

teQnode structures its future-oriented analyses to controlled speculation through the application of a portfolio of instruments and methods to provide plausible and grounded foresight.

Because of the high uncertainty involved in new and emerging technology fields, teQnode has developed tailored tools to inform foresight of R&D developments, how new industrial sectors may emerge and the co-evolution of technology, the economy and society.

This is done, although not limited to, the following activities:

(1) Mapping the expectations landscape
Drawing on over 30 years of experience in mapping and analysing expectations, teQnode provides a unique form of analysis derived on the analysis of expectations of key (and potential) stakeholders. When expectations are shared, they add up and stabilize, they guide and motivate action (as in the much quoted Moore's Law). Mapping the expectations, combined with strategic technology intelligence, provides important data for informed foresight

(2) Socio-technical Scenarios
These rich scenarios are structured around models of technical change and combines multiple data sources to create plausible scenarios of how technological, economic and societal elements will co-evolve. teQnode has experience in applying socio-technical scenarios in fields such as deep-brain stimulation technologies, drug delivery, medical diagnostics, synthetic biology, food packaging, agricultural management technologies, nanotechnology governance regimes, and more