Q is for quality - in technology assessment and innovation analysis
teQnode SARL © Paris, France
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Responsible Development And Design
Responsible innovation' refers to those activities in which social aspects, desirability and acceptability are taken into account. Innovation actors are being pressured to be responsive and may be asked by societal actors to account for what they do. A key question is: how are aspects of responsible innovation being put into operation and where is it located?

Responsible Innovation is becoming a going concern for:
   Governmental agencies who want to stimulate  
   Research scientists who are asked to include ethical 
  Firms who have increasing pressure to implement
   Society who wishes to shape the criteria that evaluates 
teQnode supports these beneficiaries through insights into the variety of definitions and practices of responsible innovation. Responsible Innovation can be explored through the lens of

  a particular organization or institution (public and private R&D labs),
  a technology field (e.g. synthetic biology or nanotechnology);
  a particular societal challenge or need (such as sustainable energy, food security); or finally,
  the evolving 'Responsible Innovation Landscape' itself.

High quality analyses can be provided upon request through each or all of these lenses.

teQnode can also provide consultancy on methods of assessing societal aspects related to individual projects.  For more information, contact the Managing Director: douglas.robinson@teqnode.com